Clumsy and chaotic recipes from a not-so-graceful baker.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Colorado Peach French Toast-coming soon!

I did not make this dish...yet. A few friends and I indulged in this delectable breakfast last weekend at the Regis Cafe in Red Lodge and I had to share the glorious picture of it's perfectness. We actually all got different things but couldn't pass up this menu special, so we ordered it to share and all had a few bites (thought I'm sure we all would have gladly had the whole thing to ourselves.) I've been wanting to perfect my own french toast recipe, so I figured I would post this first as a teaser to my own version. In the meantime, head down to the Regis in Red Lodge and ask for their special french toast--you will not be disappointed!

Summer Broccoli Salad

This recipe was created by my old roommate, who invented it just in time to take on a little picnic to the river. The light dressing and sweet and crunchy additions were a perfect compliment to the healthy broccoli that makes up the bulk of this side dish. Make it in the morning and pack it on ice with your beer and sandwiches and enjoy an afternoon lunch at your favorite summer spot!

2 full heads broccoli, chopped
large tablespoonful of mayo
a little bit more than  1/4 cup of Asian dressing (I used Kraft's Asian Toasted Sesame)
1/2 red onion, chopped
large handful of dried cranberries

The steps are simple: 1) chop and 2) mix! Oh and 3) eat!