Clumsy and chaotic recipes from a not-so-graceful baker.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Homemade Kitchen Island Brought to you by IKEA

Finally settled in the new home in San Diego! But before anything could be cooked, or even put away, the kitchen needed way more space--counter space and storage space. So, Drew came up with an ingenious idea that cost less than any kitchen island would at retail: fix together four IKEA LACK side tables, and top it off with two large butcher block cutting boards. We used the kind with the lip that goes along the wall, but flipped it upside down so that it keeps the block on the top of the tables without needing to be fastened down.

4 IKEA LACK tables @ 7.99
2 large cutting boards w/ lip @ 9.99
8 small screws w/ elbow fasteners (free @ IKEA AS-IS section)

Here's the laborious process, and the final result. All for only $51.94!

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