Clumsy and chaotic recipes from a not-so-graceful baker.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Honey Mustard Dressing & Spinach Salad

I love homemade dressings, but can never remember what I put in the last one to repeat it again later. So for my own sake I'm posting a honey mustard dressing recipe I made a while back--the batch got so big because I kept having to add ingredients to adjust the taste.  I finally unveiled this almost perfect version with a spinach salad, topped with the spiced walnuts.  There is something about bright green spinach that contrasts with just about everything you add to this salad. Whip up the dressing and salad, or just the dressing and keep in the fridge in a sealed container for up to three weeks. 

Homemade Honey Mustard Dressing

1/4 cup yellow or dijon mustard
3 tablespoons  honey
2 tablespoons rice wine vinegar
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 teaspoon soy sauce
1/4 teaspoon lemon juice
two nice swirls of olive oil
Salt and pepper-to taste

Mix first five ingredients together.  Add oil slowly while whisking all ingredients together.  Whisk the entire dressing a few more times then let rest for about 10 minutes.  Taste.  Season and add more sweet/savory ingredients until preferred flavor ratio is met.

Spinach Salad:

3 cups spinach
2 chicken breasts, seasoned, grilled then sliced
1/2 medium red onion
1 hard boiled egg, cooled and chopped
1/2 cup spiced candied walnuts 
Honey Mustard Dressing (above)

Prepare chicken and egg first, then chop to add to salad. Dice red onion to desired size for salad.  Toss walnuts, onion and egg with spinach.  Lightly coat salad with dressing, toss. Top individual bowls with chicken. Enjoy a healthy yet hearty dinner.

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